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Comma Separated Values, commonly known as CSV, is a simple file format used to store tabular data, such as a spreadsheet or database. Each line in a CSV file corresponds to a row in the table, and each field in that row or line is separated by a comma. This format is widely supported by many applications and services for data import and export, making CSV files a common method for the exchange of data between different programs.

Despite its simplicity, CSV is both flexible and versatile, allowing users to easily manipulate and process large amounts of data with minimal file size. It is particularly useful for scenarios where the data is primarily textual and numerical, without the need for complex formatting or embedded multimedia.

As we explore the applications and advantages of CSV files, we’ll also discuss best practices for their use and how to efficiently handle common challenges associated with the format. CSV stands as a testament to the enduring power of simple solutions in the age of complex data.