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Piwik, known as Matomo since 2018, is an open-source web analytics platform that provides detailed reports on a website’s visitors, search engines and keywords used, language, and popular pages. It’s a privacy-focused alternative to other analytics services like Google Analytics, offering users full ownership and control over their data. With Piwik, website owners can track user interactions in real time without compromising visitor privacy, making it a preferred choice for businesses and individuals concerned with data protection regulations.

The platform’s capabilities extend beyond mere traffic analysis. Piwik allows for the customization of dashboards, integration with existing platforms, and even the tracking of e-commerce activities. Its user-friendly interface and extensibility through plugins make it a versatile tool for website analytics.

As the digital landscape becomes increasingly data-driven, tools like Piwik play a crucial role in helping website owners understand and optimize their online presence. The following article will delve deeper into Piwik’s features, its advantages over other analytics platforms, and how it can be implemented to gain actionable insights into web traffic and user behavior.