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Reddit, often dubbed “the front page of the internet,” is a vast network of communities based on people’s interests. Founded in 2005, it’s a place where users can dive into anything from world news to niche hobbies and engage in discussions about topics they are passionate about. The platform is structured around “subreddits,” each dedicated to a specific theme or subject, moderated by volunteers and designed to foster a sense of community among its members.

Users, known as “Redditors,” contribute content in the form of links, text posts, images, and videos, which are then upvoted or downvoted by the community. This voting system ensures that the most appreciated content rises to the top. The platform’s emphasis on anonymity allows for a candid exchange of ideas, with users able to share their thoughts without the constraints of a traditional social media profile.

As we explore the intricacies of Reddit, we’ll delve into its unique culture, the impact of its upvote-driven algorithm, and how it has become a powerful tool for social movements, information dissemination, and personal expression.