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A spider, also known as a web crawler or bot, is an essential tool used by search engines to gather information from the internet. These automated programs systematically browse the web to index the content of websites, enabling search engines to provide up-to-date search results. By following links from one page to another and collecting data on each page, spiders create a map of how web pages are interconnected.

The information gathered by spiders is used to update the search engine’s index, which is a massive database of words, site locations, and other key content elements. This index is then used to respond to user queries, connecting them with the most relevant web pages based on their search terms.

Understanding how spiders work is critical for optimizing a website for search engine visibility. The process by which they assess and catalog web content can directly influence how a site ranks in search results, making it an important aspect of search engine optimization (SEO). As we continue, we’ll delve into the strategies for making a website more crawler-friendly and the impact of spiders on the digital ecosystem.